Monday, May 31, 2010

My very first post

Memorial Day Weekend and I am coming down off a great book rush. It is raining AGAIN and I am trying to work up the energy to go for a run. Liquid sunshine - harumph. The great book is Steig Larsson's The Girl Who Kicked a Hornet's Nest. It is the 3rd in his series and last. It was too good to put down! I am totally bummed that I finished it. Which should give you a little sense of one of my passions.

Another passion is knitting. Somehow I can't stop. I also can't keep my hands off yarn. That helps explain why I like weaving as well. Knitting is much more portable but weaving has a speed advantage. Except when I can't find time to warp. Which is often. Nothing really on the loom today. On needles - that is a different story. I am a ravelry person. So much of my work is posted there - this is not really a knitting blog - plenty of those to go around. Or maybe it will be. Guess we will have to wait and see.

My picture today is of my daughter's graduation.