Saturday, November 13, 2010

The dark and why we live here

It is that time of year again - the clocks are fallen back and the evenings (well, really the afternoons) have been chopped by an hour. I would be an endorser of this if it mattered in the morning. I run in the morning and I really find running in the dark less fun, um, more of a drag, well, really almost impossible. In addition to overcoming my desire to stay in bed in general, when it is dark, I have to drag myself out. In the middle of the summer, of course, we get the opposite of this situation. The sun comes up at 4:15 and sets at 10 something. I have much more energy and feel better about everything. No problem (okay, it still isn't fun) getting up at 5:00. But the winter means rain and dark. I really understand why people invented festivals of lights. If I had to guess, the northern peoples had the festivals that were then adopted by people closer to the equator and woven into other mythologies. I am ready to hang lights NOW. But it is before Thanksgiving. Have to wait.

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