Saturday, January 29, 2011

Only 3 days until Italy! how can that even be??? Okay, so I looked at the list and I am making serious progress on the skirt (now several inches long but all stockinette). The socks are finished and blocked - just have to weave in the ends. Business trip is finished and successful. And I got out my holiday cards!!!! Woohoo!!! I didn't think that would be possible. So today, I have several errands to run for Alex and Frances that have added to my list considerably. I have new running gear that I hope will rinse and dry easily since I won't be able to wash it every day while I am gone. I have, of course, added and subtracted things from the original list several times. Sigh.

New list (good for the soul, I am sure):
  1. Finish skirt (hahahahahaha - what am I thinking)
  2. Figure out what to pack (warmer than originally thought for Amalfi coast - in the 50's)
  3. Mail stuff to China
  4. Figure out what to pack (again)
  5. Plan knitting for next TWO WEEKS - not that long, don't get carried away!
  6. Figure out what to pack (because I know I didn't get it right and there is always Chicago)
  7. Get beads???
  8. Put Alex's money in the bank.
  9. Figure out what to pack (shoes????)
  10. Finish skirt (please?)

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