Saturday, September 18, 2010

Real Rain and Spain

It is really raining. Yes, I know. If you move to Seattle, what do you really expect it to do? however, September is usually beautiful and a very well-kept secret. People think it rains all the time in Seattle and September is usually blue sky and sun all month long. Not this year. It POURED last night. It rained so hard that the chimney leaked. drip... drip... drip... Callie got up to go outside (unfortunately she needs my help) and all I could hear was drip... drip... drip... I just could not get back to sleep. So I worked. I guess I need that vacation.

Which is going to be in SPAIN. We leave on Thursday for 3 weeks. That is a big trip. To a place I don't know at all. Where I don't speak the language. I wonder if that is why I am nervous about the trip. Or if it is because things are tough at work. Or if it is the long plane ride. Or if it is how much organization I need to pack for 3 weeks in a little roll-on suitcase. Or if it is just that I am freaked out. Oh well, what usually happens - once I get there I am fine and we have a great time. Will that happen? I sure as heck hope so because it is sunny there and it isn't work so there should be lots of good that comes from it.

So here is to Gaudy, flamenco, and fado. More from the other side of the Atlantic.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Another day, another dollar

Can you believe that it was dark and rainy again this morning? Is that even possible? As I drove down the road on the way to work, I started calculating - how much money would I need to retire, to find another reason for being, explore new horizons (or even just clean up the old ones)? My problem is my yarn habit. I have it and I have it really really really really bad. There just is not a yarn skein - oops, let's stop there.

First of all, I am really picky about the yarn I like. I like soft yarn mostly. Texture is very important to me. I love to plunge my hands into alpaca, or feel silk slide through my fingers. A good wool is lovely to feel. Bamboo can be amazing as well. But acrylic? Even the really soft and fluffy stuff feels funny after a while. I can feel the artificial component. I don't know why it happens but it grows worse over time until it is like fingernails on a blackboard. (hmmm - wonder what they refer to now that no one uses chalk and all the boards are white?)

So soft, but color is important too. I have this favorite yarn store - lots of hand-dyed goods - but just because it is done by hand doesn't make it good. I like a broad range of colors (from vibrant hues to soothing pastels) but some colorways just should not be allowed. According to my artist friends, there are rules. I don't know the rules - my hands just reject the stuff. I have noticed a tendency to stay away from colors I can't wear myself (don't get me started on orange) but then I will find a skein that manages to hit just the right note and I make an exception.

I also like a broad range of weights. Bulky has it place (although less now then when I first started). And you can't knit a good gansey without an aran weight. Baby clothes have to be in DK or smaller. But fingering and laceweight are my current sirens. I am in a sock and shawl mood and have been churning them out - the more complicated the pattern the better.

So what is a person to do? Very necessary to keep working - can't afford to buy the next batch otherwise - so, another day, another dollar. ;-)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Haste makes waste

It is a weekend of fiber arts. Labor Day weekend and the weather is gloomy. I am happy to run and jump and play, even in the rain, but we all have our limits. I have reached mine. So I decided to make lemonade out of lemons and pretend that I never wanted to go outside in the first place. Here is what I planned to do:
1. Friday - My Plan: Meet Erik for a drink and do the First Friday Art exhibits. Then home for a dinner cooked by Erik - well, actually I had thought about eating out, but Erik wanted to go home and offered to cook. Find all the places to stay in Spain for our trip.
What I actually did: Ferry line took FOREVER! We did cruise the art - which was pretty fun this time - but no drink. Erik did cook a yummy dinner - and then trip planning - which was very frustrating and ended a little uncertainly.
2. Saturday - Plan: Run. Mordant wool for dyeing. Get wool for sweater. Get a few more pots for dyeing. Finish sock. Complete trip planning. (buy the tickets for the flamenco IN ENGLISH this time.
What I actually did: Run. Went to west seattle for wool (yes another round trip on the ferry), and the fish market and the antique mall (they had some cool pots for dyeing), and the re-sell-it shop and gas. Ferry line. Home to dog mess on the floor. Grocery shopping. Home to dog mess on the floor. Mordant wool - lots of it - with alum. Forgot to eat lunch.
3. Sunday - Plan: Run. Dye the wool, do bills, make lamb shanks, start felting process, knit, weave. Ha!
What I actually did: Run. Dye the wool. Make and EAT the lamb shanks. Bed. Totally knackered.
4. Monday - Plan: Run. do the felting.
What I actually did: Run. Ruin the felting. Nap?