Monday, September 6, 2010

Haste makes waste

It is a weekend of fiber arts. Labor Day weekend and the weather is gloomy. I am happy to run and jump and play, even in the rain, but we all have our limits. I have reached mine. So I decided to make lemonade out of lemons and pretend that I never wanted to go outside in the first place. Here is what I planned to do:
1. Friday - My Plan: Meet Erik for a drink and do the First Friday Art exhibits. Then home for a dinner cooked by Erik - well, actually I had thought about eating out, but Erik wanted to go home and offered to cook. Find all the places to stay in Spain for our trip.
What I actually did: Ferry line took FOREVER! We did cruise the art - which was pretty fun this time - but no drink. Erik did cook a yummy dinner - and then trip planning - which was very frustrating and ended a little uncertainly.
2. Saturday - Plan: Run. Mordant wool for dyeing. Get wool for sweater. Get a few more pots for dyeing. Finish sock. Complete trip planning. (buy the tickets for the flamenco IN ENGLISH this time.
What I actually did: Run. Went to west seattle for wool (yes another round trip on the ferry), and the fish market and the antique mall (they had some cool pots for dyeing), and the re-sell-it shop and gas. Ferry line. Home to dog mess on the floor. Grocery shopping. Home to dog mess on the floor. Mordant wool - lots of it - with alum. Forgot to eat lunch.
3. Sunday - Plan: Run. Dye the wool, do bills, make lamb shanks, start felting process, knit, weave. Ha!
What I actually did: Run. Dye the wool. Make and EAT the lamb shanks. Bed. Totally knackered.
4. Monday - Plan: Run. do the felting.
What I actually did: Run. Ruin the felting. Nap?

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